Ashley Hills Pet Center
Ashley Hills Pet Center View Website Local Business Web Design | Retail | WordPress Photo Galleries | Reservations |...
Murphy’s Restaurant Website Design
This Atlanta restaurant’s staff can easily edit the web site themselves to update their menu and web pages. The site takes restaurant reservations, sells products and events online, sends e-marketing to customers, and posts news automatically to social media.

“The Select” Restaurant in Sandy Springs
We created the first website for The Select, a 5-star rated “best restaurant” in Sandy Springs, an Atlanta suburb. We shoot photos of the decor and cuisine. We also coordinated e-marketing with a Google Ads campaign so the restaurant was busy with diners prior to being ranked high in Google Search. The website also can send thousands of e-mail marketing messages to subscribers at a cost of 10-cents per 1000 emails. This WordPress site operates on a Google Cloud Compute Engine virtual machine server using cutting edge technology.

Hawaii Yoga Retreats
A Hawaii yoga retreat in Maui needed a design in WordPress that allows the site owner to publish event calendar listings, create event registration forms and accept customer payments.